zaterdag 22 februari 2014

#FridayReads: February 21st, 2014

It's been a while, hasn't it? My previous post was put up in September, a long four to five months ago... In the meanwhile, I've made attempts at writing someting, but never really sat down to do it properly. It really shouldn't, but essentially, life got in the way of blogging and reading as much as I wanted to. However, here I am again, ready to tell you what I am and have been reading.

FridayReads is a hashtag over on Twitter where people share what they'll be reading over the weekend. I thought it would be nice to bring that hashtag over to my blog, so this way I can share what I'm reading and provide a little more text along with it.

Last night, I finished Fever by Lauren DeStefano, the second book in The Chemical Garden Trilogy. This trilogy was one of the many riding the dystopian wave after the success of The Hunger Games and in the aftermath of said Hunger Games, I read the first Chemical Garden, Wither. Wither wasn't my cup of tea, but upon browsing the shelves in my local library last week, I saw Fever and decided to give it a go. In the end, it was pretty much the same as Wither, albeit even less exciting than the first one. I'll try to gather my thoughts and collect them in a decent review one of these days - I hope.

Fever wasn't the only book I've been reading last week. Alongside it, I read - and am still reading - Dragonseed, the third and final book in The Dragon Age trilogy. I read the first book, Bitterwood way back when in 2012, but the second - Dragonforge - and third one, I read almost back to back. This trilogy focuses on a world where dragons rule over humans and these three books are basically about the human population's struggle to get on top. If you like dragons and don't mind crazy shenanigans happening between the covers of your book, I'd really recommend this.

This wraps up what I'll be reading this weekend. What are you reading? Anything good? Tell me!