zaterdag 1 maart 2014

#FridayReads: Februari 28th, 2014

FridayReads is a hashtag over on Twitter where people share what they'll be reading over the weekend. I thought it would be nice to bring that hashtag over to my blog, so this way I can share what I'm reading and provide a little more text along with it.

And so Februari has come to a close, and along with it, the two books I've been reading for the last couple of days which I've mentioned in the previous #FridayReads. This brings us to today, the first of March and new, fresh books to start.

First and foremost, I've made a start in Marie Lu's Legend, first in the Legend trilogy and part of my library raid. When I chose this book last night from my library pile, it wasn't a very deliberate choice, it just looked like it would be a fast and fun read. This morning, however, the new challenge was announced by the mods of my reading club and in March, we have to read fourteen books which are part of a trilogy. Hello, Legend!
Now Legend. I've come to page 80 or so, and I was definitely right about the fast part. The fun, however, not so much, at least, not right away. It's all very confusing, at the moment, for the worldbuilding is sparse to none, so events are happening and I'm failing to grasp the importance of it or the context in which they take place. This book - and trilogy as a whole - has received quite some hype and praise, so I'm looking forward to discovering the rest of the story and delving into this post-apocalyptic world.

I don't expect to spend a lot of time reading Legend, so I've already picked the next book, which I'll start later tonight.Way back when, I made a post about fun ways to decide which book you'll be reading next and my 'fun way' is by means of a book jar - or rather book mug. Between the series I'm finishing, I pick a stray book from my mug, and last October, The King's Blood by Daniel Abraham was the lucky one. 'Lucky' isn't really and apt description, since I'm reading this book four to five months after being declared lucky, so there you go... 
The King's Blood is the second in a series of five (I think?) and while the first book - The Dragon's Path - wasn't my favourite, I'm curious to see where this story goes, cause in the end, there was a very intriguing story being told by a handful of interesting characters. Some weeks ago, the third book arrived, so I'll be reading that one pretty soon as well.

What will you be reading the next few days?

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